TITOLO: Legislation, policies and organization of community based centers for HIV diagnosis and prevention in Piedmont Region.

Autori: Valerio Brescia , Vania Tradori , Paolo Pietro Biancone , Silvana Secinaro

Abstract: The article describes how the fight against AIDS is tackled, from an organizational and legislative point of view, especially with regard to HIV test offer to as many people as possible, with a focus on people with higher at-risk behaviors, in order to reduce the cases of immunodeficiency and unawareness of the serological state. The community-based services and the implementing policies of Piedmont Region answer to the need for integration already offered by the Regional Health Service. The features and results confirmed by a pilot project can be a useful reference for the activation of integrated services on the territory.

Key words: HIV, community-based, legislation, and organization of diagnosis centers.


Cite article:  Valerio Brescia, Legislation, policies and organization of community based centers for HIV diagnosis and prevention in Piedmont Region., International Journal of Management Sciences and Business Research 11(2017):17-27

Titolo: HIV screening in pregnant women: A systematic review of cost‐effectiveness studies

Autori: Fabrizio Bert, Maria Rosaria Gualano, Paolo Biancone, Valerio Brescia, Elisa Camussi, Maria Martorana, RobinThomas, Silvana Secinaro, Roberta Siliquini

Abstract: Introduction: Verticaltransmission representsthe major route of HIV infection for children. However, the preventive interventions available are extremely effective. This review summarizes evidence regarding the cost‐effectiveness of mother‐to‐child‐transmission preventive screenings, to help policy makers in choosing the optimal antenatal screening strategy. Methods: A systematic review following PRISMA guidelines was conducted,using3databases:PubMed,Scopus,andCost‐Effectiveness AnalysisRegistry.All articles regardingHIVscreeningtoavoidvertical transmission were included. Results: Thereviewincluded21papers.Sevenstudiesassessedthe cost‐effectiveness of universal antenatal screening during early gestation. Two papers considered the integration of HIV screening with other medical interventions. Eight works estimated the costeffectiveness of HIV screening in late pregnancy. Finally, 4 papers considered the combination of multiple strategies. The selected papers focused on both developed and developing countries, with a different HIV prevalence. The characteristics and methodology of the studies were heterogeneous. However, all studies agreed about the main findings, outlining the cost‐effectiveness of both universal antenatal screening and HIV rescreening in late pregnancy. Cost‐effectiveness improved when HIV burden increased. Themajorfindingswereprovedtoberobustacrossvariousscenarios when tested in sensitivity analysis. Conclusions: The review confirmed the cost‐effectiveness not only of HIV universal antenatal screening but also of rescreening in late gestation in both developed and developing countries. Universal screening is cost‐effective even in case of extremely low HIV prevalence. Therefore, to maximize screening, coverage appears as a worldwide priority. In certain settings, a targeted screening towards high‐risk groups could be a valuable option.

Keywords: cost‐effectiveness, HIV screening, HIV vertical transmission, pregnancy, review



Cite article: Bert, F., Gualano, M. R., Biancone, P., Brescia, V., Camussi, E., Martorana, M., … & Siliquini, R. (2017). HIV screening in pregnant women: A systematic review of cost-effectiveness studies. The International journal of health planning and management.


Titolo: Legislazione, politiche e organizzazione di centri community based di diagnosi e prevenzione dell’HIV nella Regione Piemonte

Autori: Vania Tradori, Paolo Pietro Biancone, Andrea Cardaci, Valerio Brescia

Abstract: L’articolo descrive come viene affrontata, dal punto di vista organizzativo e legislativo, la lotta
all’AIDS, soprattutto per quanto riguarda l’offerta del test HIV a quante più persone possibili, con
un occhio di riguardo alle popolazioni con comportamento a più alto rischio, per ridurre i casi di
immunodeficienza e di inconsapevolezza dello stato sierologico. I servizi community based e le politiche
attuative della Regione Piemonte rispondono alla necessità d’integrazione offerte già dal Servizio
Sanitario Regionale. Le caratteristiche e i risultati confermate da un progetto pilota possono
essere un riferimento utile per l’attivazione di servizi integrati sul territorio.


Cite article: Tradori V., Biancone P.P., Cardaci A., Brescia V. (2017). Legislazione, politiche e organizzazione
di centri community based di diagnosi e prevenzione dell’HIV nella Regione Piemonte. SANITÀ PUBBLICA E PRIVATA, (4), 37-51.


TITOLO: The Popular Financial Reporting and Gender Accountability, the Integrated Approach in Municipalities and Public Bodies

Autori: Paolo Pietro Biancone, Silvana Secinaro, Valerio Brescia

The term gender auditing does not imply public budgets distinguished for men and women, but rathe r: an analysis of the government budget to establish the budget’s differential impact on women and men and on different groups of women and men. After providing a definition, the study focuses on a possible approach for the achievement of a popular financial reporting based on gender accountability. A case study shows how the re is a difference in preferences between men and women in policy choices and economic representation priorities. Gender accountability provides the possibility to increase transparency, efficiency and effectiveness of the policies and reports.

key words: gender accountability, popular financial reporting, political choices, priority gender


Cite article:

Paolo, B., Silvana, S., & Valerio, B. (2017). The Popular Financial Reporting and Gender Accountability, the Integrated Approach in Municipalities and Public Bodies. AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY RESEARCH, 7(3), 1-11.

TITOLO: Analysis of Organizational Elements in the Arrangement of HIV Rapid Tests Offer

Autori: Paolo Pietro Biancone, Valerio Brescia, Silvana Secinaro, Fabrizio Bert

Abstract: The use of HIV 4rapid tests is increasingly widespread in order to raise knowledge of serological status and access to therapies especially in those populations considered more at risk. In this study, through a systematic review of literature and of the most significant projects made in the last years, we are trying to analyse the organizational elements that should be taken into consideration in order to ensure an efficient and effective service. In particular, the places of test administration, the type of staff involved, the relationship and link with a public body for the confirmation and to take charge of positivity, the counselling service offered, the costs of the service, the test type, the frequency of administration and the rate of effectiveness of the rapid test are being analysed and compared.

Key words: Rapid Test, HIV, Community based Service.


DOI: 10.6007/IJARBSS/v8-i2/3881

Cite article:  Biancone, P.P., Secinaro, S., Valerio, B., & Bert, F. (2018). Analysis of Organizational Elements in the Arrangement of HIV Rapid Tests Offer. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(2), 382–399.


TITOLO: Effectiveness Cost of HIV rapid tests in Italy and Europe

Autori: Paolo Pietro Biancone, Silvana Secinaro, Valerio Brescia, Maria Rosaria Gualano

Abstract: In the United States, about a quarter of the estimated 1.1 million people living with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) are not aware of their HIV status. HIV tests in communities with outreach settings can be an effective strategy to identify people with unidentified HIV infection. The spread of innovative rapid tests represents an additional opportunity in the field of HIV prevention. HIV rapid tests represent an excellent diagnostic tool to reach the rural or poor population where accessibility to test is limited or populations with high-risk infection. Cost-effectiveness point of view, this service always has the potential for early diagnosis by affecting lower hospital spending, preventing clinically aggravated cases with decreased CD4 and acquired immunodeficiency. The study analyses the characteristics of rapid tests by evaluating what can be used in Europe and Italy from case studies. The sensitivity, specificity and project needs are the main factors of choice in testing projects.

Key words: Rapid Test, HIV, Community based Service.


Cite article: Biancone, P., Secinaro, S., Brescia, V., & Gualano, M. R. (2018). Effectiveness Cost of HIV rapid tests in Italy and Europe. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT SCIENCES AND BUSINESS RESEARCH, 7(3), 105-117.


TITOLO: Cost-effectiveness of HIV screening in high-income countries: A systematic review

Autori: Fabrizio Bert, Maria Rosaria Gualano, PaoloBiancone, Valerio Brescia, Elisa Camussi, Maria Martorana, Silvana Secinaro, Roberta Siliquini


Over 2 million people in high-income countries live with HIV. Early diagnosis and treatment present benefits for infected subjects and reduce secondary transmissions. Cost-effectiveness analyses are important to effectively inform policy makers and consequently implement the most cost-effective programmes. Therefore, we conducted a systematic review regarding the cost-effectiveness of HIV screening in high-income countries.We followed PRISMA statements and included all papers evaluating the cost-effectiveness of HIV screening in the general population or in specific subgroups.Thirteen studies considered routine HIV testing in the general population. The most cost-effective option appeared to be associating one-time testing of the general population with annual screening of high-risk groups, such as injecting-drug users. Thirteen studies assessed the cost-effectiveness of HIV screening in specific settings, outlining the attractiveness of similar programmes in emergency departments, primary care, sexually transmitted disease clinics and substance abuse treatment programmes.Evidence regarding the health benefits and cost-effectiveness of HIV screening is growing, even in low-prevalence countries. One-time screenings offered to the adult population appear to be a valuable choice, associated with repeated testing in high-risk populations. The evidence regarding the benefits of using a rapid test, even in terms of cost-effectiveness, is growing. Finally, HIV screening seems useful in specific settings, such as emergency departments and STD clinics.

Key words: HIV screening, Cost-effectiveness, High-income countries, Adult population.


Cite article:

Bert, F., Gualano, M. R., Biancone, P., Brescia, V., Camussi, E., Martorana, M., … & Siliquini, R. (2018). Cost-effectiveness of HIV screening in high-income countries: A systematic review. Health Policy.
TITOLO: Bilancio Sociale Odv Casa Arconaleno 2018
La struttura del documento

Il «comitato scientifico di indirizzo» e il «comitato di processo» sono composti da figure esponenti dell’Associazione, da figure Accademiche e iscritti all’Ordine dei Dottori Commercialisti ed Esperti Contabili di Ivrea, Pinerolo, Torino[4]:

dott. Valerio Brescia, dott. Daniel Iannaci ing. Paolo Bianciotto, dr. Marco Bosa, dr. Stefano Costa, prof. Fabrizio Bert,

Con riferimento alla «Governance di processo», sono stati costituiti i seguenti gruppi di lavoro che hanno collaborato tra di loro e con i responsabili aziendali di volta in volta coinvolti:

il «Comitato scientifico di indirizzo», per la definizione dei riferimenti metodologici e la supervisione dell’intero processo: il «Comitato di processo», per la direzione e il controllo dell’attività operativa; il «Gruppo di lavoro di applicazione metodologica e operativa», che ha curato la gestione operativa del Bilancio Sociale, secondo le metodologie e le tempistiche individuate nel cronoprogramma e in coordinamento e collaborazione con tutte le strutture interne dell’Associazione; l’«Organo di validazione professionale», che ha espresso il giudizio di conformità del documento ai requisiti del Metodo Piemonte.

Non si applica quanto esplicitato il 10 gennaio 2017 in G.U. il Decreto Legislativo 30 dicembre 2016 n. 254 che recepisce nel nostro ordimento la direttiva 2014/95/UE, recante modifica alla direttiva 2013/34/UE per quanto riguarda la comunicazione di informazioni di carattere non finanziario e di informazioni sulla diversità da parte di taluni gruppi di grandi dimensioni, anche se standard e definizioni sono stati utili per la costruzione del documento.

L’approccio operativo al bilancio sociale si riconduce al «Metodo Piemonte» per il bilancio sociale, con particolare riferimento alla «Governance di processo» e alla «Validazione professionale di processo».

Il documento è il primo bilancio sociale dell’Associazione, che ha valutato l’opportunità di redigerlo nonostante il non obbligo di legge che invece lo impone secondo determinati parametri art. 14 D.lgs. 117/2017 pubblicato su G.U. 03/07/2017.

Cite report:

Brescia, Valerio, & Iannaci, Daniel. (2019, January 4). BILANCIO SOCIALE – ODV CASA ARCOBALENO ANNO 2018. Zenodo.